1722 – 1794

Monk, archimandrite, hegumen of a community which moved from Mount Athos to Dragomirna, Secu and Neamț Monastery from Moldova, translator of patristic, ascetical and mystical literature, theologian and author of Hesychast and autobiographical works, letters and sermons.

XII c.

A saint, bishop, outstanding writer of Eastern Slavia, author of prayers, praise of saints, canons, teachings.

The Life of Saint Thaïs is the shortest of the three vitae in the 1360 Vidin Miscellany that are devoted to so-called ‘holy harlots’. By presenting the first English translation of this medieval Bulgarian hagiographic text, this contribution wants to give the reader an idea of how such texts looked like and functioned.

ок. 1330–16.09.1406

A saint, Bulgarian and Russian writer, cleric, major intellectual from hesychast circles at the end of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th century, supporter of the unity of the Russian church, Metropolitan of Kiev, Moscow and all Russia.

Света Параскева Епиватска / Петка Търновска е прочута балканска отшелница (вт. пол. Х в.), канонизирана като преподобна. Дата на честване: 14 октомври; среща се спорадично и на 13 октомври.

ХV в. – ок. 1484 г.

Сръбски книжовник, автор на жития, похвални слова и служби, редактор и съставител, преводач и писател. Живял и работил в Русия от 1438 г. до края на живота си (1484 г.). Допринесъл за основни характеристики на руската литература от ХV в.

The hagiographic Story of Abraham of Qidun and his niece Mary is an edifying narrative of Syriac origin, mostly transmitted as part of the Saint’s Life of Abraham of Qidun, but which also as an independent text.

The Life of St Eupraxia of Tabenna is a detailed account of the life and deeds of one of the first Egyptian desert mothers, who entered a desert convent as a child and spent her life in ascetic deeds.

Saint Thecla is known as the first female saint and martyr in Christianity.

ca 1364/1365 – ca 1419/1420

Metropolitan of Kiev, diplomat, father superior of several monasteries, writer in Bulgarian, Serbian, Moldovan and Russian literature. Author of works in all medieval genres – oratory prose, hagiography and hymnography. Representative of the Tarnovo Literary School.

The Bulgarian tsars’ Charters of the 13th – 14th centuries are unique historical sources of a secular character which contain various kinds of information that allow us to form an idea about the features of state authority, the fiscal system, the social composition of the population, and the trade and international relations of the Bulgarian state at different stages of its historical development.


Avvakum (Petrov) was a writer, one of the main defenders of the old faith, a holy martyr who met his death for his confession of his faith, and the author of the first autobiography in Russian literature.


Един от най-популярните християнски светци. Според неговите жития, той бил съвременник на император Константин Велики и епископ на Мира в Ликия, днешна югоизточна Турция. Роден е в Патара, в заможно християнско семейство.

around 1101/1104 г. – 23.05.1167 or 23.05.1173

The Reverend Mother Superior of Polotsk is one of the most revered saints in Belarus, a great educator, scribe, founder of monasteries and a builder of churches, patroness of arts and crafts.

A legendary, early Christian martyr who was killed in the persecution in the Antioch town of Asia Minor, the region of Pisidia, extremely popular among both Catholics and Orthodox.


Най-почитаният български светец, преподобен, основоположник на Рилския манастир и на отшелничеството в България. Култът му е широко разпространен на Балканите и в цялото Източно православие.

about 1169–1236

St. Archbishop Sava is the leading figure in the history of the religious and cultural life of Orthodox Slavs in the Balkans from the late 12th century to the first third of the 13th century, the founder of the autocephalous Serbian church, its first archbishop, the first distributor of church and secular laws among the Serbs, the first famous Serbian translator and writer.

about 1329–1389

St. Prince Lazarus, a ruler of Serbia, unifier of the Serbian lands, builder of monasteries and Churches, was reflected in Serbian literature and folklore as one of the main heroes of the battle against the Turks on the Kosovo field in 1389. After his death he was immediately canonized as a holy martyr by the Serbian Orthodox Church.


St. George the New is a great martyr who was burned by the Turks on 11 February 1515 in the Bulgarian city of Sredetz (Sofia) for refusing to accept Islam, and became widely known not only in the Slavic Orthodox south but also in the Russian lands.


Един от най-популярните общохристиянски светци, великомъченик, пострадал в Лида (Диосполис) в Палестина по времето на имп. Диоклециан (284–286; 286–305).

XIII c. - after 1264

Domentian is a famous Serbian hagiographer, hieromonk of the Athos Hilandar monastery, a contemporary and disciple of the first Serbian archbishop, Sava of Serbia.


SESDiva ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 – S&T

SESDiva. Project № 156

SESDiva aims at creating a virtual museum of written culture in relation to the social, religious, cultural, and ideological environment and relations between the South and East Slavs throughout the centuries from the 11th to the beginning of the 20th century.

Duration: 2018-2020
Program: ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 ‐ S&T Projects