
After Paisius of Hilendar, Sophronius of Vratsa was, chronologically speaking, the second most important figure of the Bulgarian national revival, an enlightener of the people and a church hierarchy.

Dominating Eastern and East-Central Europe from the second half of the first millennium AD onwards, the Slavs in the course of their long history have several times tried to (partially) form political and/or cultural unities. Especially during the nineteenth century (the age of Romanticism and national ‘revivals’) the ethnic characteristic of ‘being a Slav’ was put forward, both sincerely and rhetorically, as the main principle for movements such as Central/Eastern Europe-wide Pan-Slavism and Russian Slavophilia.


Paisius of Hilendar (1722–1773) was a historiographer, the first ideologist of the Bulgarian national revival, credited for the awakening of a national identity in the Bulgarian people.


An outstanding figure of the South Slavic national revival, widely known in the Orthodox Slavic world, a Serbian writer, poet, translator, historiographer and author of the famous The History of different Slavic people primarily of the Bulgarians, Croats and Serbs.


Български учител, писател, поет, преводач, езиковед, фолклорист, общественик.


Духовник, водач, деец за самостоятелна българска църква, писател.

ок. 1771–1845

Духовник, просветител, следовник на Софроний Врачански.


Dobri Voynikov was Bulgarian playwright, poet, journalist, director, creator of the Bulgarian theater.

A Bulgarian poet and journalist, a public figure, enlightener, and fighter for the independence of the Bulgarian church.


Petar II Petrovich Negosh (in Montenegr. – Petar Petrovič Negoš) is outstanding Montenegrin and Serbian poet and statesman of the first half of the 19th century, a bright representative of South Slavic romanticism.

1830 – January 7, 1862

Bulgarian poet, publicist, translator, folklorist – collector of folk songs; author, together with his brother Dimitar Miladinov, of the collection Bulgarian Folk Songs, published in Zagreb, 1861.

In the second half of the 19th century, the first newspapers in Bosnia and Herzegovina were published and printed.


Promulgator of the New Bulgarian education, teacher, writer, translator.

1810 – January 23, 1877

Bulgarian Renaissance educator, writer, translator, folklorist, teacher. One of the first Bulgarians educated in Odessa education in the 19th century and a participant in the Odessa literary circle. Champion of the development of modern Bulgarian education.


Bulgarian writer, critic, teacher, linguist. It is possible to consider him as the author of the earliest prose work in Bulgarian.


Bulgarian revolutionary, historian, folklorist, journalist, leading figure in the Bulgarian Revival Period and liberation struggles.

1829 – April 25, 1854

Described as the first folklorist, translator and poetess during the Bulgarian Revival Period. One of the outstanding representatives of the Bulgarian intelligentsia in the 19th century. She published poetry and translation literature in periodicals.


Аn amateur scholar and pioneer of Russian-Bulgarian studies, who caused Bulgarians to take a fresh look at their history and awakened in them a sense of national pride.

1722 – 1794

Gregory Skovoroda is an outstanding Ukrainian writer, philosopher and educator who created the original doctrine of the “three worlds.” He was born into a Cossack family in the Poltava region. With a break he studied at the Kiev Mogila Academy, where St. George of Konis was one of his teachers.


A writer and traveler who traveled half the world, a provincial intellectual with revolutionary views, a famous non-academic Slav of the 19th century, a “dragoman” (interpreter) for the Russian mission in Montenegro, and the founder of Montenegrin archeology.


А brilliant journalist, pan-Slavist and conservative, a champion of Slavic unity and a popularizer of the Russian language in Serbia.

Юрий (Юрай) Крижанич, Мавро Орбини и Людевит Гай по интересен начин отразяват съвременното им познание за русите и руския език, тяхното място сред другите славянски народи.

През Българското възраждане славянската идея се оформя като необходим и продуктивен модел за утвърждаване и приобщаване на българското минало към културно-историческото наследство на славянската общност.


Български обществен и просветен деец, политик и революционер, един от съидейниците на Георги Раковски.


Български поет и публицист, радетел за славянско единство.

Bulgarian writer, folklorist, ethnographer, linguist, publisher, teacher, bibliographer, compiler of one of the first Bulgarian folklore collections; active ecclesiastic activity against Phanariotes.


Български просветен и стопански деец, историк, писател, педадог, с изключителни заслуги в училищното дело.


Български книжовник и просветен деец, историк, медиевист, действителен член на Императорското общество за история и старини в Москва (1846), действителен член на Одеското общество за история и старини (1862).

August 28, 1824 – October 22, 1898

Bulgarian man of letters, philologist, writer, poet, folklorist, translator, and diplomat.

May 27, 1833–July 15, 1896

Bulgarian enlightener, man-of-letters and prominent publicist during the Revival Period, author of a number of textbooks, books, articles, plays; with his translations he promotes West European and Russian literature.

1797 - 1854

Тhe first Albanian educator, one of the founders of the national movement in Albania, an ideologue of Albanian education who made a great contribution to the protection and development of Orthodox culture in his country.

1850 – 1921

Ivan Vazov was a Bulgarian poet, prose writer, playwright, whose works have been translated into 52 world languages. Honorary Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1921), Honorary Doctor of Philology, Sofia University (1921).


Ivan Stepanovich Yastrebov was a Russian historian and ethnographer of the Balkans, a role he adopted as part of his diplomatic career.


The first professional Slovenian writer, classic, novelist, playwright, journalist, critic and poet. He was the author of 30 books: nine novels, a range of novellas and collections of fiction, dramatic plays and comedies, a central figure of Slovenian modernism.


One of the first representatives of women’s emancipation in the Balkans, Bosnian educator, founder of the first school for girls in Bosna, polyglot, first female Bosnian author of a historical review on Bosnia.


Поет, пътешественик, дипломат и масон. Личната му съдба е доста интересна и все още не съвсем изследвана За живота му няма достатъчно съхранени факти; има данни за връзките му с поетическите кръгове около Александър Пушкин.


A great Bulgarian revolutionary romantic poet and journalist, whose works have been translated into 33 languages.

Легендарният разказ за покръстването на българския владетел Борис-Михаил от св. Методий е известен по хрониката на Продължителя на Теофан (Х в.).

Illyrian movement (Ilirski pokret in Croatian) was a cultural and political Croatian movement aimed at unifying the Slavs. It originated in the 1830–1840’s in Croatia and Slavonia and influenced the culture of the South Slavs in the Balkans.


SESDiva ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 – S&T

SESDiva. Project № 156

SESDiva aims at creating a virtual museum of written culture in relation to the social, religious, cultural, and ideological environment and relations between the South and East Slavs throughout the centuries from the 11th to the beginning of the 20th century.

Duration: 2018-2020
Program: ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 ‐ S&T Projects