The Synodicon of Tsar Boril (1207–1218) is a unique relic of the history and culture of the medieval Bulgarian kingdom.
Short chronicles are one of the most representative genres of Bulgarian medieval literature. They are characterized by their aim of describing the entirety of history in a brief form: from the creation of the world onwards, reckoning time on the basis of Tsardoms and ending with the present time.
Пергаментен ръкопис от края на XII – началото на XIII в., един от най-ранните паметници на староруската книжнина. Днес се пази в Държавния исторически музей в Москва (ГИМ, Синод. собр., № 1063/4). Названието си е получил от Успенската катедрала в московския Кремъл, където е открит през 1846 г. от известните слависти В.М. Ундолски и О. М. Бодянски.
Parchment miscellany dating from the third quarter of the 13th century written by Serbian scribe Basil Dragol.
A miscellany from the beginning of the 16th century with prevalent apocryphal and narrative compositions. Created by an anonymous Bulgarian scribe.
Старобългарска преводна колекция от слова на Йоан Златоуст, създадена по времето на цар Симеон (893–927) в България, намерила разпространение в славянската ръкописна традиция.
Юдейският хронограф е сборник от вече извършени по-рано преводи на старозаветни библейски книги и на исторически съчинения, съставен на руска почва през ХІІІ в. Посветен е на световната история между Сътворението на света и разрушаването на Соломоновия храм в Йерусалим през 70 г. от н.е.
The earliest preserved, relatively intact, Slavic festive (or rather selective) menaion (Trefologion), ancient Russian in origin, most probably transcribed from an Old Bulgarian antigraph. It contains offices for the autumn half-year, supplemented by separate offices for July and August. In terms of structure, composition and content of offices, and language, the manuscript demonstrates a number of unique or rare features.
The Sava’s book (Gospel of Priest Sava) is a convolute composed of a Cyrillic aprakos gospel from the late 10th and the early 11th century, with later additions from the 12th and 13th centuries. Its most archaic part was composed in Eastern Bulgaria and is distinguished by an ancient language and noticeable Eastern Bulgarian features.
The Ostromir Gospel is the oldest dated manuscript of the Eastern Slavs measuring 35.5 x 29 cm, on 294 parchment sheets.
Peresonytsya Gospel is a first translation of the Holy Scripture from Church Slavonic language into the West-Russian language, which included the old Ukrainian and old Belorussian dialects.
The largest preserved Old Bulgarian manuscript which originated sometime in the middle of the 10th century in Eastern Bulgaria. The collection contains long readings about the days in March and comprises two sections – a menaion or martylogoion (lives of saints) and a triodion or homiletic part (sermons for major church feasts from the Paschal cycle).
Fragment of an unsaved Old Bulgarian manuscript from the end of the 10th or 11th century, written in a circular hanging Glagolitic script in two columns, containing the earliest translation of the book Parenesis by the 4th–century Christian writer Ephrem the Syrian and prayers of repentance.
Пергаментен ръкопис, известен като Изборник от 1073 г., руски препис от недостигнал до нас старобългарски сборник.