
Pуски писател и преводач, емигрант от „първата вълна“ в България.

At different times during the period 1920–1943, Russian white emigrants published in Bulgaria over 80 informational, socio-political, literary, military and other periodicals (magazines, newspapers, and leaflets).

January 07 (19), 1873 – October 13,1931

Russian Biblical scholar and church historian. His works have been identified as the best studies of the history and development of the church in his time.

May 09, 1921 – February 25, 1986

Literary scholar, translator of Bulgarian writers, cultural figure.

March 14, 1867 – October 05, 1937

Russian historian, writer and political figure.

July 29 (August 11), 1886–August 12, 1980

Russian artist, writer, folklorist and translator, ‘first wave’ immigrant to Bulgaria, France and Italy.

01.09.1902 – след 1963

Руски писател и преводач емигрант, един от първите преподаватели по специалността Руска филология в Софийския университет.

During the 1920s and 1930s, Bulgaria proved to be among the most attractive and appropriate focal points of Russian emigrants, where through the local Russian emigrant periodicals and book publishing they revived older trends of Russian public thought, gave birth to new ones or introduced foreign ones.

The prevailing part of the Russian immigrant intelligentsia in Bulgaria in the 1920s and 1930s was characterized by their strongly expressed Slavophile spirit, the increased concern for the fate of the Slavic idea, and a distinctive Slavic consciousness.


Руски и български филолог-славист, историк и палеограф, професор в Софийския университет и член на Българската академия на науките. 

January 28, 1892 – March 21, 1948

Russian literary scholar, critic and philosopher.

May 22, 1915–September 23, 1992

Librarian, bibliographer and archivist.


Poetess and well-known Bulgarian children’s writer.

November 01 (13), 1844 – February 17, 1925

Russian historian of Byzantine and Old Russian art, archaeologist, inventor of the iconographic method for the study of monuments of art.

26.07.1896 – 05.10.1990

Prominent Russian art critic and Byzantologist

06.09.1841 – 08.06.1895

Украински историк, фолклорист, философ, езиковед, писател и политик.

10(23).11.1904 – 24.10. 2001

Руски и български филолог, лингвист, основател на българската русистика.

8(20).02.1855 – 19.04.1936

Руски православен епископ на Руската православна църква зад граница.

25.12.1858 (06.01.1859) – 01.08.1943

Russian publicist, lawyer and ethnographer. Founder and first Director of the Plovdiv People's Library. It sets the foundations of the National Archaeological Museum in Bulgaria.

06.01.1871 – 02.10.1951

Руски свещеник и богослов. Специалист по Стария завет на Светото Писание. Учител по богословие и директор на Софийската руска гимназия.

6/18.12.1863 – 18.03.1937

Руски богослов, тълкувател, патролог, църковен историк и енциклопедист. Научното творчество на Глубоковски обхваща над 100 научни труда и стотици статии и публикации.

28.11.1908 – 05.10.1979

A Russian and Bulgarian poet, writer, translator and philologist. He was the author of over 180 translations of Bulgarian literary works into Russian.

13.09.1879 – 25.08.1953

Russian and Bulgarian historian, scholar of art history and literature, philologist. Bitsilli is considered the founder of art history studies in Bulgaria. His students included most of the outstanding Bulgarian historians of the first half of the 20th century.


SESDiva ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 – S&T

SESDiva. Project № 156

SESDiva aims at creating a virtual museum of written culture in relation to the social, religious, cultural, and ideological environment and relations between the South and East Slavs throughout the centuries from the 11th to the beginning of the 20th century.

Duration: 2018-2020
Program: ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 ‐ S&T Projects