Displaying items by tag: medievistics
Български русист, медиевист, езиковед и общественик, посветил живота си на българо-руските езикови и културни контакти.
15/28.06.1907 – 02.04.1991
Bulgarian literary historian, teacher, university lecturer, Vice Dean and Vice Rector of St Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. His scientific heritage covers major issues in Bulgarian and Russian medieval and Revival Petiod literature.
March 19/April 1, 1918 – December 23, 2001
Philologist, historian, Byzantologist, Fellow of the British Academy (1974), Professor Emeritus at the University of Oxford (1985), Foreign Member at the History Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1994).
August 19, 1934 – April 05, 2001
Bulgarian, Russian and Czechoslovakian literary critic, mediaevalist and folklorist.