Статии с етикет: панславизъм
Dominating Eastern and East-Central Europe from the second half of the first millennium AD onwards, the Slavs in the course of their long history have several times tried to (partially) form political and/or cultural unities. Especially during the nineteenth century (the age of Romanticism and national ‘revivals’) the ethnic characteristic of ‘being a Slav’ was put forward, both sincerely and rhetorically, as the main principle for movements such as Central/Eastern Europe-wide Pan-Slavism and Russian Slavophilia.
Яркий публицист, панславист и консерватор, поборник славянского единства и популяризатор русского языка в Сербии.
Историк, славист, академик, крупный администратор, политический флюгер, неоднозначная фигура в науке. Искренность и любовь к Болгарии и болгарской культуре сочетались у него с необходимостью писать и поступать так, как это нужно по соображениям политической конъюнктуры.