Displaying items by tag: damaskini

The fifteenth-century Russian Tale on Constantinople, since 1886 attributed to one mysterious Nestor-Iskinder, is a rather hybrid, lively account of the ultimate fall of Constantinople (1453) in the hands of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II. Mutual religious, political and historical interests led to a fruitful circulation of the Tale among East and South Slavs.

Published in Cultural exchange

През Средновековието сред южните славяни се разпространява превод на агиографския разказ Чудото на св. Георги със змея в неговата най-стара редакция, известна от изследването на гръцката ръкописна традиция като „разпространена“ (Aufhauser 1911: 52−69).

Published in Cultural exchange

SESDiva ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 – S&T

SESDiva. Project № 156

SESDiva aims at creating a virtual museum of written culture in relation to the social, religious, cultural, and ideological environment and relations between the South and East Slavs throughout the centuries from the 11th to the beginning of the 20th century.

Duration: 2018-2020
Program: ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 ‐ S&T Projects