Displaying items by tag: hagiography
Hagiographic collections about women saints are a rare macro-genre, attested to by a limited number of examples in both Byzantine and medieval Slavic literature.
The Synaxarion is a translated written anthology that dates back to Byzantine synaxarion and monthly calendars. It is in fact hagiographic calendar collection of short synaxarion lifes, combined in a genre-specific manner.
Един от най-популярните християнски светци. Според неговите жития, той бил съвременник на император Константин Велики и епископ на Мира в Ликия, днешна югоизточна Турция. Роден е в Патара, в заможно християнско семейство.
A legendary, early Christian martyr who was killed in the persecution in the Antioch town of Asia Minor, the region of Pisidia, extremely popular among both Catholics and Orthodox.
Най-почитаният български светец, преподобен, основоположник на Рилския манастир и на отшелничеството в България. Култът му е широко разпространен на Балканите и в цялото Източно православие.
St. George the New is a great martyr who was burned by the Turks on 11 February 1515 in the Bulgarian city of Sredetz (Sofia) for refusing to accept Islam, and became widely known not only in the Slavic Orthodox south but also in the Russian lands.
Един от най-популярните общохристиянски светци, великомъченик, пострадал в Лида (Диосполис) в Палестина по времето на имп. Диоклециан (284–286; 286–305).
XIII c. - after 1264
Domentian is a famous Serbian hagiographer, hieromonk of the Athos Hilandar monastery, a contemporary and disciple of the first Serbian archbishop, Sava of Serbia.