Displaying items by tag: Slavic idea
Юрий (Юрай) Крижанич, Мавро Орбини и Людевит Гай по интересен начин отразяват съвременното им познание за русите и руския език, тяхното място сред другите славянски народи.
През Българското възраждане славянската идея се оформя като необходим и продуктивен модел за утвърждаване и приобщаване на българското минало към културно-историческото наследство на славянската общност.
During the 1920s and 1930s, Bulgaria proved to be among the most attractive and appropriate focal points of Russian emigrants, where through the local Russian emigrant periodicals and book publishing they revived older trends of Russian public thought, gave birth to new ones or introduced foreign ones.
The prevailing part of the Russian immigrant intelligentsia in Bulgaria in the 1920s and 1930s was characterized by their strongly expressed Slavophile spirit, the increased concern for the fate of the Slavic idea, and a distinctive Slavic consciousness.
Illyrian movement (Ilirski pokret in Croatian) was a cultural and political Croatian movement aimed at unifying the Slavs. It originated in the 1830–1840’s in Croatia and Slavonia and influenced the culture of the South Slavs in the Balkans.