Displaying items by tag: National Revival


Български книжовник и просветен деец, историк, медиевист, действителен член на Императорското общество за история и старини в Москва (1846), действителен член на Одеското общество за история и старини (1862).

August 28, 1824 – October 22, 1898

Bulgarian man of letters, philologist, writer, poet, folklorist, translator, and diplomat.

1850 – 1921

Ivan Vazov was a Bulgarian poet, prose writer, playwright, whose works have been translated into 52 world languages. Honorary Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1921), Honorary Doctor of Philology, Sofia University (1921).


A great Bulgarian revolutionary romantic poet and journalist, whose works have been translated into 33 languages.

Легендарният разказ за покръстването на българския владетел Борис-Михаил от св. Методий е известен по хрониката на Продължителя на Теофан (Х в.).

Illyrian movement (Ilirski pokret in Croatian) was a cultural and political Croatian movement aimed at unifying the Slavs. It originated in the 1830–1840’s in Croatia and Slavonia and influenced the culture of the South Slavs in the Balkans.

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SESDiva ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 – S&T

SESDiva. Project № 156

SESDiva aims at creating a virtual museum of written culture in relation to the social, religious, cultural, and ideological environment and relations between the South and East Slavs throughout the centuries from the 11th to the beginning of the 20th century.

Duration: 2018-2020
Program: ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 ‐ S&T Projects