Displaying items by tag: historiography
An outstanding figure of the South Slavic national revival, widely known in the Orthodox Slavic world, a Serbian writer, poet, translator, historiographer and author of the famous The History of different Slavic people primarily of the Bulgarians, Croats and Serbs.
The Story about the Establishment of the Bulgarian and Serbian Patriarchates is a work created on Russian soil around 1460–1461; it is included in the legal collection known as Кръмчая [Kormchaya].
The way early Bulgarian historiography penetrated in Russia can be reconstructed based on the transcripts in the so-called Archival Chronograph, also known as the Jewish Chronograph (Истрин 1893) or as Bulgarian Chronograph (Горина 2005) from the 15th century (Russian State Archives of Ancient Acts, f. 181, No. 279/685), Vilna Chronograph from the 17th century (Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, No. 19/109) and Warsaw Chronograph from the late 15th–early 16th century (National Library of Poland, Warsaw, BOZ cim 83).